Friday, February 29, 2008


as time goes by so does Jack and his gang go more wild
they went to go hunt a pig while
they should have been watching the fire
because of that they missed a plane that was flying by
this made Ralph furious and yells at jack
Jack get ticked off and makes another camp for the
people who says who wants to have fun
of course Ralph tries to stop them
but Jack curses at him and leaves
a storm comes and wipes out the entire camp
Ralph's crew got worried and went over
Jacks camp and found a dead pig
after they go make another fire
while Jack and the hunters go on hunting again
when a member of jacks group find a cave and goes in
he comes back out screeming saying
that he found a monster

was he really true?


the leader, ralph, tries to keep everything organzied
he uses the conch to keep kids from shouting out
and by having the conch you have the right to speak
being the leader ralph tells everyone there
should be a fire so they all go up on to a hill
and make a fire with piggy's glasses
after a while people start to slack off not doing
what they should be doing
kids start to become wild and not following the rules
one of the kids named jack makes a group called Hunters
to hunt down animals with spears and get meat from them

this is the turning point of the story
which makes the story a lot more interesting


In the opening the kids were riding in a plane
and was shot down and crashed into an deserted island.
it seems that there is no land attached to the island.
2 kids come in one is Ralph and one is Piggy
Piggy talks about his asthma and aunty while ralph tells him to shut up.
they find an conch (which is a big shell) piggy explains
what it is and ralph blows into it
as soon he was done more kids come out of the woods
one by one making a group of kids
they each tell their names and choose a leader which is ralph
they first see the island from a high location gather food
make rules and build a house
a bunch of typical stuff from kids who were shot
down from a plane and crashes into a island not knowing where they are

anyways this was an opening
and to be honest, not very interesting

Friday, February 1, 2008

Lord of the FIies

Lord of the Flies by William Golding

Eh..not really my type of a book. Already read 1/3 of it in an academy, so I know most of the story. About these kids were in a plane, the plane blew up by an attack, they fell into a island with no people liveing in it, they become cold and crazy and blah blah blah... supposed to talk about how people can change and stuff. Well not really looking forward to it, but I guess I'll enjoy it since I can't avoid it...


In some video games, noclip is a PC game console cheat command that prevents the first-person player character camera from colliding with other objects and permits the camera to move in any direction, allowing it to go through such things as walls, props, and other players.