Thursday, April 3, 2008








Wednesday, April 2, 2008

- MOOD )

What is the mood of this novel? Do you find this novel saddens you in any way? Why?

-The mood differs in the book now and then, in the beginning of the story was really light and sort of tingling. Since there wasn't really any dictatorship in the beginning, there was nothing heavy going on and there was nothing really to be concerned about. Also as time passed the animals gathered and tried to make some sort of government to create their own utopia without any humans involved.

After the major has given his speech about how cruel and greedy men are the animals gathered and kick their owners, Mr and Mrs Jones, out of their farm and started their own governmnet. This is where things got a bit heavy.

Dictatorship grown and everyone started to work like slaves and get little rewards for it. The mood becomes cruel and nasty as the dictatorship grew and all the animals started to have a horrible life while the greedy pigs use the other animals for their own good, which makes the mood feel even worse.

It all started out with hope of a better life and crashed into a pit of depression.


Please choose one passage from the novel that is significant to you. Why is this passage meaningful? Please type it into one of your entries and comment on what you think about the passage.

-The passage I have chosen from Animal Farm was,

"Man is the only creature that consumes without producing. He does not give milk, he does not lay eggs, he is too weak to pull the plough, he cannot run fast enough to catch rabbits. Yet he is lord of all the animals. He sets them to work, he gives back to them the bare minimum that will prevent them from starving, and the rest he keeps for himself. Our labour tills the soil, our dung fertilizes it, and yet there is not one of us that owns more than his bare skin."

This passage really kept me thinking. "Are we really more useless than the animals we rase and rule?" If you just read the passage, you can't deny it. There's nothing there but the truth. Kinda scary how so true it is. It is true that humans are weaker than the cows that pull the plough, it is true that humans are slower than the dogs that chase the rabbits in the field, it is true humans cannot produce food from their body but giving up their own flesh. The thought can't come out of my mind. "Are we really that useless?" We are the most intellegent (at least we think we are) on the planet, but where did that leaded us to? Killing the planet, making animals extinict, war, nuclear bombs... There's really nothing humans do good for the planet. All that humans do is gain more knowledge, but what good of a use is that? All the so-called knowledge is used for our own confort and our own good. Without knowledge, are humans any good?

Really interesting passage I think, and if animals can speak one day (or maybe they already do) I think thats what they are going to think about.


Who are the main characters in this novel? Do you like them? Why or why not? What is special about them? What do they reveal about the universal human experience?

-There were a whole bunch of animals in the story so it was sort of confusing of keeping track on who was whom.
Anyways, the main characer (I think) is the dictator, Napoleon. He was the reason all this chaos started in the farm and it was him who changed the rules into bad ones. I don't like Napoleon (who does?) he was the so-called badguy in the story.

The characters in the story were shown as the people in the real world and it wasn't hard to guess which types of animals represented which types of people.
But it was still interesting how the author setted the personalities and changed it into different types of animals.

Some animals were smart, as there are smart people in the world, some animals are dumb, as there are dumb people in the world, and there are greedy animals, as there are greedy people in the world. I don't think this is ever going to change.


What is the climax of this novel? What happens? How do the events of this novel make you feel?

-I thought the climax started when Napoleon chased out Snowball when he was giving his speech on why he should be the leader of the animals. When Napoleon chased out snowball with his dogs. It was pretty much the first bad-but-obvious thing Napoleon did and all the animals in the farm noticed it.

It wanted to gain the leadership by force so that he can rule that farm. He just became corrupted and became just a fat old pig.

He broken the comandments that was made he started to make rules so that the pigs can have better things, such as sleeping on beds, getting more food than the rest of the animals and driking liquor, just plain greedy things that Napoleon wanted to do, and do it ALONE.
I think I know why the author made the greedy dictator a pig, because all the dictator is, is a pig, nothing more, nothing less.
It was really a horrible for the other animals that were under control of Napoleon, suffering labor and not getting rewarded for it. Insted giving things to Napoleon when it really belonged to them. If I was one of those animals I would of started a rebellion or just run away and start a new life and forget of the rotten one Napoleon created.
It is really disturbing that things like this actually happend and is happening right now in the real world. I wonder if dictatorship can ever become a good type of government... I guess not.


Are there any settings in this novel which you have found to be beautiful? or disturbing? or memorable? Describe these settings and comment on why they were meaningful to you.

-I would pick the whole farm itself as my favorite setting and location in this story. It's funny because the type of farm I have in my head is a dirty farm with dirt and hay all over the place and smells bad. Which is sort of disturbing thinking of all the... dung... in the place. Anyways, it is interesting that even in a place like this, the animals created some sort of a government and established rules and laws that are good as the ones real people use in the real world. It's kinda hard to imagine animals with ranks and following rules and laws and punishing one another and bringing justice.

If you think about it, the dirty and smelly farm might not be so different with the real world. Even in the country we live have dirty and smelly parts to it with some sort of a dictator controling one another for there own greed. I thought that the author really created a setting that is similar to the settings around us in the real world and made it so different but so simliar at the same time.


What is the major theme of this novel? Why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2008?

-I thought that the major theme of this novel was dictatorship and the power of law and justice. Through the conversations and the words that came out of the animals mouths, rules have been formed and laws have been made.
In animal farm animals were to follow whatever Napoleon(the ruler of the animals) did, which were the seven commandments. These commandments are very simliar to the laws us humans follow today. Also, when there is a law, there is justice/punishment. These punishments were held by ether getting kicked out or suffering the death penalty.
It was because of theses harsh penalties, everyone followed the laws and rules and it was because of these laws that made the animals lives so restricted.
At the end of the story, Napoleon and Squealer changed the comandments for there own good. But the animals couldn't understand what was going on, so they just thought "okay" and followed the new rules.
Through the new laws, Napoleon used it to kill Boxer. Which was legal to the animals, because one of the commandment was no longer "No animal shall kill any other animal" but was "No animal shall kill any other animal with no reason". Because Napoleon had a reason, it was legal for him to kill Boxer. Like this by changing just a fraction of a law can change dramaticly and show the power of laws and the dictator that created it.

This is important to the teenagers that are in the year 2008, because these days a lot of people use harsh and hurting words as a joke. Through this theme of this book, it can show that we shouldn't use these harsh and strong words as a joke and use it all the time for no reason what so ever. Because, a change of a small fraction of that word can mean a whole different thing and infulence one another is a dramtic way.