Wednesday, April 2, 2008


What is the climax of this novel? What happens? How do the events of this novel make you feel?

-I thought the climax started when Napoleon chased out Snowball when he was giving his speech on why he should be the leader of the animals. When Napoleon chased out snowball with his dogs. It was pretty much the first bad-but-obvious thing Napoleon did and all the animals in the farm noticed it.

It wanted to gain the leadership by force so that he can rule that farm. He just became corrupted and became just a fat old pig.

He broken the comandments that was made he started to make rules so that the pigs can have better things, such as sleeping on beds, getting more food than the rest of the animals and driking liquor, just plain greedy things that Napoleon wanted to do, and do it ALONE.
I think I know why the author made the greedy dictator a pig, because all the dictator is, is a pig, nothing more, nothing less.
It was really a horrible for the other animals that were under control of Napoleon, suffering labor and not getting rewarded for it. Insted giving things to Napoleon when it really belonged to them. If I was one of those animals I would of started a rebellion or just run away and start a new life and forget of the rotten one Napoleon created.
It is really disturbing that things like this actually happend and is happening right now in the real world. I wonder if dictatorship can ever become a good type of government... I guess not.

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