What is the mood of this novel? Do you find this novel saddens you in any way? Why?
-The mood differs in the book now and then, in the beginning of the story was really light and sort of tingling. Since there wasn't really any dictatorship in the beginning, there was nothing heavy going on and there was nothing really to be concerned about. Also as time passed the animals gathered and tried to make some sort of government to create their own utopia without any humans involved.
After the major has given his speech about how cruel and greedy men are the animals gathered and kick their owners, Mr and Mrs Jones, out of their farm and started their own governmnet. This is where things got a bit heavy.
Dictatorship grown and everyone started to work like slaves and get little rewards for it. The mood becomes cruel and nasty as the dictatorship grew and all the animals started to have a horrible life while the greedy pigs use the other animals for their own good, which makes the mood feel even worse.
It all started out with hope of a better life and crashed into a pit of depression.
Wow that's deep. You did a great job describing what you thought about the mood of the poem, but I disagree with you. I don't think that the mood of the book ever differed. The story stayed depressing all along. From beginning to end, the animals of the farm struggled greatly of many different reasons. In the beginning, the animals were suffering from the mistreatment of the humans. After the rebellion, the animals tried to set up their own government, and Snowball's plans were for the good cause, but it involved the animals having to work a lot. After Snowball was banished from the farm and Napolean took over as a leader,the animals had to suffer even more greatly, following pigs' unbearable works.
hello~ i agree to your post; animal farm was my first novel to work on with my blog! this part in your post, "It all started out with hope of a better life and crashed into a pit of depression" is the part i agree to the most. i enjoyed reading your posts. good job~
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