Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Mythology Mini-Project

Entry # 3

If I could choose to be any Greek god or Goddness, I would like to be like Zeus. Because, first, he is the leader of the world and the gods, which gives him a nice golden throne to sit in. Second, he is the most powerful god there is, it is told that Zeus is more powerful than all the gods power combined. Shooting lighting bolts at people would be fun to do also. Since he is the most powerful and the leader of the god, I would like to be him and do what ever I want.

Mythology Mini-Project

Entry # 2

After Zeus locked up the Titans into the underworld, the mother of the Titans, Gaeea, became furious, because once more her children were locked up. She gave birth to a monster that was more powerful and dangerous than any other monster she gave birth to, she gave birth to Typhon. Typhon was huge and had snakes for hair and razed fire out of his mouth. Gaeaa ordered Typhon to attack Zeus, as Typhon headed for Olympus, Zeus threw thunder bolts at him, but it was no use. All the gods attack Typhon, but it barly damaged him. The gods became afraid and fled from the monster Typhon. They went to Eygpt and transformed as animals, such as a cow, a bird or a fish. Zeus realized that it was shamful to flee when he was the ruler of gods. He lifted the Mountain of Sicilia and threw it over on top of Typhon. Typhon got crushed by the mountain and say that it razes fire every time it gets mad under the mountain. Which is known as the volcano, Mountain Aetna.
Source: "Greece Rome Mythology", author by Thomas Bulfinch

Mythology Mini-Project

Entry # 1

The god I have chosen is Zeus. The reason I have chosen this god, is because Zeus is the strongest god and the leader of all the gods in the greek mythology, plus there is a lot of information about him, so I thought he would be easy too.

First, he is the god of earth and the leaders of all the gods that live in olympus. He is known to be fairly good looking and is one of the most powerful god there are. He is the youngest son of Cronous and Lea. Before Zeus was born, and before Cronous was the ruler, Cronous's father Uranus was the ruler of the earth. But after having monsters has children Uranus got sick of them and locked them up in the under world. This made his wife/mother, Gaeaa, furious and made her order her other sons to defeat their father. While they all were afraid, the youngest and most powerful son, Cronous, agreed to defeat his own father and take his place as the ruler. After he defeated Cronous, Gaeaa was hoping that Cronous would save her children from the underworld, but instead he took more of Gaeaa's monster children and locked them up in the underworld as well. Of course Gaeaa become furious once more and cursed Cronous that he will be defeated from his child as he defeated his father. Cronous got scared and as soon his wife, Lea, had their first child, Hestia, he swallowed his own child. Of course Lea was shocked but couldn't do anything about it. After that Lea had five more children, but Cronous, who was afraid of his mother curse, swallowed all of them. Finally Lea was pregnent with her Sixth child, Zeus, but this time she went to her mother, Gaeaa, for help, and there she made a plan. Lea gave birth to Zeus alone in a cave and gave it to elfs so that they can raise him. Instead of taking her baby, Lea hid a rock in cloth and pretend that it was Zeus, of course Cronous, being the idiot he is, thought it was the baby and swallowed the rock. Time went by and Zeus became older and more stronger. He fell in love with a goddess Metis, the daughter of Tetis, and married her. Zeus thought about how he was going to overthrow his father with Metis. Metis thought of a plan about rescuing his brothers and sisters that were swallowed by their father. Metis made a potion that can make someone throw up and gave it to Zeus. Zeus went to his mother and gave her the potion Metis had made for him. Lea mixed the potion with some wine and served it to Cronous. As soon Cronous took a drink of the wine, he felt greatly ill and threw up his children that he swallowed before. Hades, Poseidon, Hera, Demeter and Hestia came out of their father body (at last Cronous threw up the rock that he thought was Zeus). Zeus hurried and gave his brothers and sisters weapons and all together they threw over Cronous. So Gaeaa's curse came true. Zeus divided powers with his brothers, Zeus become the ruler of earth, Poseidon became the ruler of sea and Hades become the ruler of the underworld. As Zeus gained power, the Titians (Cronous's brothers and Gaeaa's Children) became jelous and there was a big war between the gods. Since they are all gods they could not die. So the war never ended. Zeus went to Gaeaa (his grandmother) for advice. Gaeea told Zeus to free her children that were locked up in the underworld by Uranus and Cronous. Zeus did what he was told and the monster children of Gaeaa fought and made weapons for Zeus's side. Zeus's side eventually won and locked up the Titans up in the underworld.

Zeus is the father of Hercules and have the similarites of being powerful. Hercules didn't have a love story, while his father Zeus, was the best flirter there was. He had so many wifes that you can't even count and even more affairs. In personalities, the two don't really differ, they are serious and strong and just normal. One difference about Zeus and Hercules is that Zeus is a god while Hercules is half human. Even though Zeus is the father of Hercules, his mother is human, which makes Hercules half god, and half human.

Source: "Greece Rome Mythology", author by Thomas Bulfinch

Monday, March 3, 2008


Jesse Park
Joanne Kim
Richard Kwon
Jennifer Kim
Ina Kim

Yuri Kim

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Question 6

Are there any settings in this novel which you have found to be beautiful? Or disturbing? Or memorable? Describe these settings and comment on why they were meaningful to you???

I find the whole setting of the book really memorable
Think about it, a whole island, nature itself with green forests and blue clear sea waters
(which is all burned down later thanks to Jack)
and with little boys on it.

I can't really pin point why I like this setting so much, but I can imagine the picture with all the boys on the coast swimming and stuff.

Also it's interesting that this peaceful nature island is destroyed by a few twists of humanity of little boys.

Question 5

Please choose one passage from the novel that is significant to you. Why is this passage meaningful? Please type it into one of your entries and comment on what you think about the passage.???

"We did everything just the way ground-ups whould of, why didn't it work?"

Not really a passage, but a quote
I thought this was really touching to me.
It was said from Piggy just after Jack and his crew stoal his glasses.
By reading this quote spoken by Piggy, you can see how depressed he is, and possibly how much he hates Jack.
You can also see the counfusion of himself and wonders what went wrong.

Question 4

What is the mood of this novel? do you find this novel saddens you in any way? why?

When the climax starts to happen, everyone goes Coo-Coo about hunting, and thats pretty much all they do

The mood can differ in different views of the characters in the story
For example in Jack's view, the mood can be excitment about hunting while anger towards Ralph.
In Ralph's view, can start out with responsiblity, because he was the leader and all. Then total fear, of Jack and the others coming to kill him

Its kinda sad, everyone hates Ralph and tries to kill him for really no reason what so ever
All he did is tried to get rescued and go home
Well.. at least he did live at the end of the story which was a releaf

Question 3

I thought the climax of the book was really interesting. Everyone is leaving Ralph, and killing pigs cutting their heads off. *sigh* What more do you want from life?
In more detail the climax happens when Ralph was still the leader and has a meeting. He complaned how everyone wasn't doing what they should be doing and slacking off too much.
Then Jack gets angry and makes another group with the Hunters.
You can see the climax starting to happen here where thoughts of the characters start to differ with each other and leads to the main theme of the book. The Vanishing of Humanity

Question 2

Who are the main characters of the book? Do you like them? Why or why not? What is special about them? What do they reveal about the universal human experience?

The main characters in the book Lord of the Flies can be narrowed down to
Ralph, Jack and possibly Piggy

I guess I like Ralph the best, because he was the leader of all the characters once, and is the smartest out of them all

I know I do NOT like Piggy, too annoying with all the whining and crying UGG

Its sort of interesting that Ralph didn't get drafted by Jack and the others

I mean, Ralph is a just a kid you know, and for a kid fighting alone against 30 other kids isn't easy, well I guess Piggy was on his side, but doesn't really make a difference with the fighting

A 12,13 year old kid, getting threated and seeing two of his friends getting murdered and almost getting murder himself... all you can really say is wow

Jack on the other hand, does what he ever he wants. He is violent, cruel and the most brutal out of them all

But you can't ingore his power through out the story, when Ralph was the leader, nobody really listened to him, but as soon Jack makes another group and becomes the leader, everyone follows him without question, which I think I think is really hard to do, because Jack is like 12 years old, and a 12 year old dictating 30 other kids is like dropping a bombshell

Piggy... is smart and had a lot of knowledge, and the most Grown-Up-Like in the story

Some may disagree, but Piggy tried to do everything grouwn-ups will do if they were in the same situation as they were, which leaves him with one of the famous quotes (at least I think it is) "We did everything just the way ground-ups whould of, why didn't it work?"

All the charcters show a lot of the universal human experience, in fact that is pretty much the whole theme of the book, how humanity can change

Ralph and Piggy stays strong on their hunmanity, while Jack and the others don't, and by reading the book all you can really see is about the universal human experience

Question 1

What is the major theme of this novel? Why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2007?

I thought the theme of The Lord of the Flies was interesting and shown pretty straight forward
since the book is about kids stranded on a deserted island
it almost seems obvious that the kids becomes savages and become so brutal but at the same time
its hard to imagine in the social world
I mean think about it, kids who are 10~11 are killing pigs with sticks cutting their head off
and killing each other, not really what a second grader should do it his life

So the theme is that how people's (especially children) humanity can vanish so easly
and how brutal and cruel they can become

This can be important to a teen in the modern days because that
the characters in this books were teens as well so it should be pretty easy to
imagine putting yourself in that situation
Since the theme is that the humanity in people can vanish so easy, we should be carful
not to lose our humanity through out our lives

Saturday, March 1, 2008


ralphs camp is only left with himself and piggy
they are depressed not knowing what they should do
during that time jacks camp runs out of fire
and punishing one of his member for letting it out
by wipping him kinda strange kids wipping each other
you can see their humanity is completly wiped out
anways that night they go to ralphs camp and steals piggys glasses
of course being piggy the wimp he is start to cry saying that he cant see
and says something that i think was one of the major quote of the book
"We did everything just the way ground-ups whould of, why didn't it work?"
and wishes jack was dead and thinks about going into jacks group

ralph & piggy goes to jacks camp asking for piggy glasses back
of course jack refuses and starts to attack ralph
piggy blows into the conch saying i have the conch so listen to me
he talks about how they shouldnt be acting like this how they should be
one group and help each other
roger, who was on top of a cliff, roles over a bolder which falls on piggys head killing him
ralph becomes furious and says that they are not going to get away with this
and runs away

ralph goes to the twins, who were once in ralph's group nearly to the end.
the twins say jack is trying hunt him down
jack burns down the forest trying to run out ralph
eventually jack and his group finds ralph and chases him to the coast
where ralph trips face first to the ground finding a man in boots standing there
it was a soilder and a whole bunch of it
they say they saw the smoke and came to the island
jack and the hunters spot the men too
and ralph starts crying and ends

the whole books was about how humans can change
and the true wildness in everyone and how it can just
burst out and make them into an completly different person
i though from the middle of the book is was really interesting
and i though it was clever how the author wrote the wildness in little childeren


jack comes running to ralphs camp saying that they hunted a pig
and are going to have a feast tonight
and who ever wants to come and join them is welcome
more of ralphs member go to jack's camp leaving ralph behind
while simon finds the Lord of the Flies(pig head) and the cave
that night ralph and piggy goes to jacks camp where they where having a feast
jack gives them some meat but ralph refuses to eat it
ralph says that he came to talk some sense to them
one of jack members that his words are useless because he doesnt have to conch
piggy says the conch is in his camp where it belongs
jack yells at piggy saying the conch doesnt matter any more
jack goes to his group yelling roger is the pig
and as soon he says that the hunters act like hunting down roger
at that time simon find the monster was nothing but a dead pilet
he goes run to the camp trying to tell the others
as soon he came in sight the hunters thought simon was the monster
so they killed him finding that is was simon

sucks for simon
you can see how the kids have changed through out time
and see their humanity vanishing
which is the main theme of this book


the kid goes and tells his crew that he saw a monster
jack yells at him saying that simon is a coward
and tells the group that there is no such thing as a monster
so he goes to the cave himself in search of the monster
2 min. later he runs out screeming saying there really is a monster
later that day he goes to ralph camp to get some fire
and tells them there is a monster on the island
all the kids become scared and no one wants to guard the fire
time past and some of ralph crew member comes to ralphs camp
telling them to give up the survial knife some of ralphs member betrays
ralph and joins jacks group
ralph refuses and later that night jack and his whole crew attacks ralphs camp
stealing the survial knife during the atttack piggy's glasses gets broken
leaving him hard to see
later that day simon goes to jacks camp asking where is the monster's cave is
while jack and his hunters hunted a pig and jack cuts the pigs head off
saying its a gift for the monster in this scene you can see how the kids have changed
they have become brutal and cruel
jack sticks the pig head on a stick which was left in front of the cave

flies come near the pig head making maggots and rottonning it
which eventually becomes what is know as the Lord of the Flies
(which is never mention in the book but whatever)