Saturday, March 1, 2008


jack comes running to ralphs camp saying that they hunted a pig
and are going to have a feast tonight
and who ever wants to come and join them is welcome
more of ralphs member go to jack's camp leaving ralph behind
while simon finds the Lord of the Flies(pig head) and the cave
that night ralph and piggy goes to jacks camp where they where having a feast
jack gives them some meat but ralph refuses to eat it
ralph says that he came to talk some sense to them
one of jack members that his words are useless because he doesnt have to conch
piggy says the conch is in his camp where it belongs
jack yells at piggy saying the conch doesnt matter any more
jack goes to his group yelling roger is the pig
and as soon he says that the hunters act like hunting down roger
at that time simon find the monster was nothing but a dead pilet
he goes run to the camp trying to tell the others
as soon he came in sight the hunters thought simon was the monster
so they killed him finding that is was simon

sucks for simon
you can see how the kids have changed through out time
and see their humanity vanishing
which is the main theme of this book

1 comment:

June said...

I agree with "Humanity Vanishing".

Are you saying that the children were changed after they came to island?

If it so, I have something that squizing my brain...

Maybe, humanity wasn't lost after children came to the island.

I mean, the humanity or characteristics in the island and the humanity or characteristics before they got to island might be same.

It's hard to describe it...
Whatever... I thinks Jack and his members are sucks...