Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Mythology Mini-Project

Entry # 2

After Zeus locked up the Titans into the underworld, the mother of the Titans, Gaeea, became furious, because once more her children were locked up. She gave birth to a monster that was more powerful and dangerous than any other monster she gave birth to, she gave birth to Typhon. Typhon was huge and had snakes for hair and razed fire out of his mouth. Gaeaa ordered Typhon to attack Zeus, as Typhon headed for Olympus, Zeus threw thunder bolts at him, but it was no use. All the gods attack Typhon, but it barly damaged him. The gods became afraid and fled from the monster Typhon. They went to Eygpt and transformed as animals, such as a cow, a bird or a fish. Zeus realized that it was shamful to flee when he was the ruler of gods. He lifted the Mountain of Sicilia and threw it over on top of Typhon. Typhon got crushed by the mountain and say that it razes fire every time it gets mad under the mountain. Which is known as the volcano, Mountain Aetna.
Source: "Greece Rome Mythology", author by Thomas Bulfinch

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